Monday, 7 November 2011

Today was my first day in nursery and I although I enjoyed it, it felt a lot longer than a usual school day! I learnt a lot about responsive planning and how much of an influence pre-school children have on their own learning. The whole day was based around what the children wanted to do and I learnt that as a nursery teacher, you have to step back more and let children discover things for themselves. This is frustrating at first as I'm so tempted to ask questions and encourage them to engage in worthwhile activities! I'm sure as the weeks go on, I'll get a more used to it. But so far, being in school and teaching definitely seem to be more appealing! 

Monday, 31 October 2011

What I've learnt this week....

This week, I have learnt that even at the age of 20, I still 100% rely on my parents! I have tickets to go and see Bruno Mars tonight and last night at 8pm I decided to look out the tickets for me and my three friends which I couldn't find anywhere! I phoned home to my parents in Inverness who informed me that were lying in the kitchen drawer and there was no possible way of them arriving on time by post. As a result, My Dad has missed a day of work today to drive 3 hours to Glasgow just to deliver the tickets...then three hours back up the road again! As well as this, I completely ran out of money this week and owed my flatmates money for bills...had to phone the parents to bail me out! I might live far away from home and no longer be a teenager, but I still couldn't survive without my Mum and Dad!