Monday 19 March 2012

Exam stresss

Ed Studies exam in officially in 10 days and the panic has really started to set in! So stressed out, University is no easy feat! I have learnt that uni takes a lot of dedication and sometimes you have to be prepared to give up your social life in order to succeed, something that I am aware will have to happen when we become teachers. I think it's now time to grow up, take responsibility for our own learning and achieve the best of our potential!

Good luck to everyone with their studying and assignment'll soon be over!

Monday 12 March 2012


Been sooo stressed with the crazy amount of uni work I've had that I've neglected this blog...oops! Have finally managed to finish my ICT elective assignment and now working on the Integrated Curriculum assignment. Exams are also looming and feeling so stressed that everything is coming at once...

Today was our last PPL tutorial which rounded up everything before our 6 week placement begins in April, and tomorrow will be our last lecture and tutorial of third year...scary! I have learnt that time flies so quickly and that it's important to make the most of student days, as soon we will be NQT's in the big bad world...eeek! For now, I'm going back to putting my head in books....roll on the end of March!!